
Chasing Your Tail With a Raspberry Pi

Conference:  Black Hat USA 2022



The presentation discusses the use of a Raspberry Pi and Kismet to perform digital forensics and gather information on Wi-Fi devices.
  • The speaker uses a Raspberry Pi and Kismet to gather information on Wi-Fi devices
  • The speaker explains how to set up Kismet and the Raspberry Pi to automatically start sniffing and monitoring Wi-Fi devices
  • The speaker discusses the challenges of parsing data from the Kismet database and how to overcome them
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of not letting perfection be the enemy of good in cybersecurity and in life
The speaker shares an anecdote about discovering a Wi-Fi network named after a government agency outside of a building that is not publicly known to be government-related, highlighting the potential risks of unique Wi-Fi names and the importance of considering attribution when gathering information on Wi-Fi devices.


For some people, trying to figure out if you're being followed is a matter of physical safety for themselves or others. In this talk, we'll discuss a methodology for using low cost, off the shelf parts and some adequate python code to help determine if you're being followed by analyzing wireless signals nearby.A friend of mine recently found themselves in this situation and came to me for assistance. When I searched for possible solutions, I wasn't shocked at how many tools there are to try to track people, but I was shocked at how few there are to try to help people figure out if they're being tracked. So I decided to make something to help.We'll cover methodology and best practices used by professional SIGINT teams including automatically creating an ignore list for friendly devices. We'll discuss challenges encountered during development and field testing including dealing with MAC address randomization. Finally, we'll release the code so anyone who wants to build their own easily can, likely with parts they already have laying around.



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