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Google defends AI search results after they told us to put glue on pizza

The Verge (AI) - 1

Categories:  ai-ml


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Google's AI Overviews have led to inaccurate search results, causing a PR blunder for the company. The tech giant blames 'data voids' and odd user queries for the errors, but claims overall satisfaction with AI search results.
  • Google's AI search results, known as AI Overviews, produced bizarre and inaccurate information, such as suggesting putting glue on pizza and eating rocks.
  • The company quickly removed some of the inaccurate results, but the damage was already done, leading to memes and online spread of fake screenshots.
  • Google's head of search, Liz Reid, attributed the inaccuracies to 'data voids' and unusual user queries, while defending AI results as generally leading to higher satisfaction with Search.
  • Reid acknowledged the presence of nonsensical searches and fake screenshots online, emphasizing the challenges of managing AI-generated content on a large scale.
search results
data voids
user queries
OneScreen.ai brings startup ads to billboards and NYC’s subway

TechCrunch (AI) - 1

Categories:  ai-ml


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OOH advertising is becoming increasingly popular for startups and B2B companies as a more effective alternative to digital marketing due to privacy regulations and ad-blocking capabilities.
  • OOH advertising is on the rise for startups and B2B companies as a creative and effective marketing strategy.
  • Companies are shifting focus back to OOH advertising due to challenges with digital marketing like privacy regulations and ad-blocking.
  • Brand recognition is a key benefit of OOH advertising, especially for B2B companies.
  • OneScreen.ai helps companies target specific audiences through OOH ads using anonymized location data.
  • ROI on OOH ads is harder to track compared to digital ads, but the impact on brand awareness can be significant.
OOH advertising
B2B companies
brand recognition
anonymized location data
Google Admits Its New AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up

Wired (AI) - 1

Categories:  ai-ml


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Google's new AI Overview feature faced criticism for generating bizarre and misleading search results, prompting the company to acknowledge the need for improvements.
  • Google's AI Overview feature generated misleading search results, such as endorsing eating rocks and using glue on pizza.
  • The errors were attributed to misinterpreting satirical content and troll-y information from discussion forums.
  • The company conducted extensive testing before the feature's launch and data shows users value AI Overviews.
  • Google made technical improvements to the feature to address issues like nonsensical queries and reliance on user-generated content.
  • The company will continue to monitor feedback and adjust the feature as needed.
search feature
misleading results
Operation Endgame

Troy Hunt Blog - 1

Categories:  security


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The importance of using strong and unique passwords, enabling 2FA, and keeping machines patched to protect against cybercrime.
  • Using a password manager and creating strong, unique passwords is crucial for online security.
  • Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of protection to accounts.
  • Regularly patching machines helps prevent vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals.
  • Changing passwords if found in compromised data is essential to safeguard personal information.
  • Partnerships between law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity platforms like Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) help combat cyber threats effectively.
password management
law enforcement
U.S. Dismantles World's Largest 911 S5 Botnet, with 19 Million Infected Devices

The Hacker News - 1

Categories:  security


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The dismantling of the world's largest botnet, 911 S5, highlights the importance of international collaboration in combating cybercrime and the significant impact of such criminal activities on global security and economy.
  • 911 S5 botnet, operated by YunHe Wang, compromised 19 million devices globally and facilitated a wide range of criminal activities.
  • Wang profited approximately $99 million from selling access to hijacked IP addresses, using the money to purchase luxury items and properties across multiple countries.
  • The takedown of 911 S5 involved a coordinated effort between the U.S., Singapore, Thailand, and Germany, resulting in the disruption of 23 domains and over 70 servers.
  • The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on Wang, his co-conspirator, and associated entities for their involvement in the botnet.
  • The case underscores the critical role of law enforcement, industry collaboration, and international partnerships in combating sophisticated cyber threats and ensuring global cybersecurity.
  • The dismantling of 911 S5 serves as a warning to cybercriminals and emphasizes the consequences of engaging in illegal activities that exploit vulnerabilities in digital systems.
international collaboration
global security
law enforcement
9 Tips to Avoid Burnout in Cybersecurity

Dark Reading - 1

Categories:  security


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Tips for avoiding burnout in cybersecurity are crucial for maintaining mental health and job satisfaction in a high-stress industry.
  • Set boundaries between work and personal life to prevent constant stress.
  • Practice self-care activities like exercise and mindfulness to reduce burnout.
  • Seek support from colleagues and mentors to share experiences and coping strategies.
  • Take regular breaks and vacations to recharge and prevent burnout.
  • Develop time management skills to prioritize tasks and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Attend training and workshops to stay updated on cybersecurity trends and techniques.
  • Communicate openly with supervisors about workload and stress levels to prevent burnout.
  • Consider seeking professional help or therapy if burnout symptoms persist.
  • Engage in hobbies and activities outside of work to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
mental health
work-life balance
stress management
How AI Is Impacting the 2024 Elections

Wired (AI) - 1

Categories:  ai-ml


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The impact of generative AI on elections in 2024 is a significant concern for cybersecurity and information security experts.
  • Generative AI is being used in political campaigns and elections to create deepfakes, chatbots, and automated texts, posing risks of misinformation and manipulation.
  • The widespread availability of generative AI is expected to amplify existing issues of mis- and disinformation, hate speech, and scams in the political landscape.
  • Experts are still learning about the full extent of how generative AI will affect elections globally, with concerns about the manipulation of voters and political discourse.
  • Tracking the use of generative AI in elections is crucial to understanding its impact and identifying the companies, tools, and platforms involved in these activities.
generative AI
Okta Warns of Credential Stuffing Attacks Targeting Customer Identity Cloud

The Hacker News - 1

Categories:  security


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Okta warns of credential stuffing attacks targeting Customer Identity Cloud and recommends actions to mitigate the risks.
  • Review tenant logs for signs of unexpected login events like fcoa, scoa, and pwd_leak
  • Rotate credentials and restrict/disable cross-origin authentication for tenants
  • Enable breached password detection or Credential Guard
  • Prohibit weak passwords and enroll users in passwordless, phishing resistant authentication using new standards like passkeys
Credential stuffing
identity management
8 Degrees of Secure Access Service Edge      

SecurityWeek - 1

Categories:  security


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The main thesis of the presentation is the importance of a well-planned migration to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) to ensure a successful investment in agile network architectures.
  • 1. Assemble a diverse team including security, networking, application owners, and workplace transformation leaders for comprehensive evaluations and seamless migration.
  • 2. Clearly define objectives and goals for the migration to shape the project roadmap.
  • 3. Assess bandwidth, performance requirements, and user needs for each branch office to optimize connectivity options.
  • 4. Plan for future needs and scalability to ensure a future-proof deployment.
  • 5. Craft an RFI for potential SASE providers to narrow down the list for proof of concept.
  • 6. Implement a gradual deployment approach, starting small and phasing in SASE as needed.
  • 7. Build a business case focusing on simplifying the network, optimizing costs, and mitigating security risks.
  • 8. Shortlist top providers, run proof of concept deployments, and migrate fully once ready.
  • Emphasize phased deployment for tangible evidence of benefits and business impact.
network migration
business case
phased deployment
Massive 911 S5 Botnet Dismantled, Chinese Mastermind Arrested

SecurityWeek - 1

Categories:  security


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The dismantling of the massive 911 S5 proxy botnet and the arrest of its Chinese administrator highlights the global effort to combat cybercrime and the use of botnets for malicious activities.
  • The 911 S5 botnet, operated by Chinese national Yunhe Wang, ensnared 19 million Windows devices across 190 countries between 2014 and 2022.
  • The botnet was used for various malicious activities, including cyberattacks, fraud, bomb threats, child exploitation, and export violations.
  • Wang faces charges of conspiracy to commit computer fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering, with potential prison time of up to 65 years.
  • Authorities have seized millions of dollars worth of assets linked to Wang's illicit activities.
  • The international law enforcement operation involved agencies from the US, Germany, Singapore, and Thailand, leading to the disruption of the botnet and the arrest of Wang.
law enforcement
international cooperation