
A Safari of Kubernetes and its Natural Habitat


Authors:   Noah Abrahams


The presentation is a whimsical introduction to the daily life of Kubernetes and common production deployments. It highlights the ecosystem of Kubernetes and its natural predators, and how developers adapt to their environment. The talk also emphasizes the importance of monitoring and scaling in Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes is a cluster that relies on YAML to perform its daily activities and guide the herd's actions of carrying workloads
  • Developers bring along YAML of their own and use tools like Helm Chart and Argo CD to deploy their applications
  • Scaling is one of Kubernetes' greatest strengths, but it cannot solve all problems
  • Monitoring, like Prometheus, is crucial in detecting problems and alerting IT staff to take action
The talk uses a safari analogy to describe the ecosystem of Kubernetes and its natural predators. It also uses the story of a ravenous developer who copies and pastes their application tens or hundreds of times, leading to resource consumption problems and node failures. The talk emphasizes the importance of monitoring and scaling in Kubernetes to prevent such problems.


Have you ever wondered what life in the data center really looks like, after the sun goes down and the people leave? Come along on a journey as we visit some of the inhabitants of the Cloud Native savanna on this trip through the ecosystems of Kubernetes and its natural predators. Attendees will learn the warning cries of an ever alert Prometheus and watch as the cluster is hunted by a gaggle of red teamers, while they all try to drink from the same data lake. This talk will be a whimsical introduction into the daily life of kubernetes and common production deployments while you listen to some very mediocre impressions of famous naturalists.


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