
Mission-Critical PostgreSQL Databases on Kubernetes


Authors:   Karen Jex


The presentation discusses the deployment of mission-critical PostgreSQL databases on Kubernetes, exploring the benefits, use-cases, and implementation of robust, secure, scalable, and easily manageable database architectures on Kubernetes.
  • Evolution of database architecture from bare metal to virtualization to containerization
  • Introduction to containers, container orchestration, and Kubernetes
  • Benefits of deploying databases on Kubernetes, including flexibility, scalability, and automation of DBA tasks
  • Demonstration of deploying a PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes
  • Anecdote about generating data in a database using PG bench
The presenter generated data in a database using PG bench while waiting for the default dashboards to load, highlighting the importance of generating activity for interesting dashboards. She also admitted to using the default admin username and password, emphasizing the need for better security practices in production environments.


Containerised databases are no longer restricted to small, development environments. More and more large-scale, enterprise databases are being deployed in containers. Karen supports organisations with critical, multi-terabyte PostgreSQL databases on Kubernetes, which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. What has changed to make so many organisations comfortable choosing Kubernetes for their PostgreSQL architecture? What are the benefits? What are the best use-cases? How can organisations implement robust, secure, scalable and easily manageable database architectures on Kubernetes? Karen will explore the answers to these questions and will then demonstrate how you can quickly and easily deploy your own PostgreSQL cluster in Kubernetes. This will, of course, include high availability, scalability, backup and restore, and monitoring.
