
Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) WG: K8s Best Practices for Telco Apps

Authors:   Taylor Carpenter, Bill Mulligan


The presentation discusses the CNF Working Group's efforts to establish best practices and use cases for cloud-native networking applications.
  • The CNF Working Group is focused on establishing best practices and use cases for cloud-native networking applications.
  • Examples of use cases include transparent firewalls and BGP on customer networks.
  • The group is working on finalizing the process for adding use cases and best practices in Q2.
  • They plan to publish initial best practices and use cases in Q2 and run test cases in Q3.
  • The group is open to new members and encourages participation through public Slack channels and mailing lists.
One example of a use case discussed in the presentation is a transparent firewall, which can be implemented in various ways depending on the specific needs of the network. The presentation emphasizes the importance of breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and establishing clear expectations for the end result. The CNF Working Group is focused on collaborating with industry experts to establish best practices and use cases that can be widely adopted in the cloud-native networking community.


The Cloud Native Network Function (CNF) Working Group is focused on identifying cloud native best practices for networking applications in order to help CNF Developers and telco operators best utilize the capabilities of Kubernetes. In the session, attendees will get an overview of the working group, updates since its kick-off at KubeCon NA 2020, what’s next, and how to get involved. Ready to get started now? Join the CNF WG mailing list at https://lists.cncf.io/g/cnf-wg or talk to us in the #cnf-wg channel of the CNCF Slack. Recordings of previous CNF WG meetings are available at https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj6h78yzYM2PyMYvw5wiH01hthFb0qrOn.



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