
CloudEvents - Looking Beyond Event Delivery

Authors:   Rémi Cattiau


Cloud Events is a standardization project that aims to simplify communication between systems and companies with a common way of subscribing to events.
  • Cloud Events is a project that aims to standardize event data formats and protocols
  • It includes SDKs for different languages and transports like HTTP, MQP, MQTT, Kafka, and NUTS
  • The project includes specifications for discovery, subscription, and schema registry APIs
  • The discovery API allows dynamic querying of producers and sources to understand emitted events
  • The subscription API enables automation of event subscriptions
  • The schema registry defines how to consume and publish schemas publicly or privately
  • Cloud Events has the potential to simplify communication between systems and companies with a common way of subscribing to events
Cloud Events can be used to link events from different companies and simplify communication between them. For example, an aggregator in Company A can link events from Company B and expose them to internal consumers without them needing to know about the connection between the two companies.


While CloudEvents helps in the delivery of events from a producer to a destination, when considering the entire lifecycle of an event there's a lot more to consider. For example, how does someone discover which events can be generated and by which producer? What transport mechanisms for event delivery are available? How does someone subscribe to receive events? Today there's no consistent mechanism to answer these questions. This session will explore how the CloudEvents project is working to solve these issues by providing a quick overview of the new specifications being developed - and, of course, give an update on the CloudEvents specification itself.

