
Build Your Own Path in the Cloud Native Ecosystem


Authors:   Rich Burroughs, Kaslin Fields


The presentation discusses the importance of contributing to open source, learning Kubernetes, and the growing field of cloud native security.
  • Contributing to open source helps build a robust career
  • Learning Kubernetes can be tough but is important
  • Security is a growing and maturing field in Kubernetes
  • Getting involved in documentation and Git can help build coding skills
The speaker mentions that fear of committing a social faux pas is what keeps people from contributing to open source, not technical capability. They also suggest that persistence and patience are important when trying to become a contributor.


Find your own path in the Cloud Native world, by seeing through the eyes of the experts. Rich Burroughs, host of the Kube Cuddle Podcast, and Kaslin Fields, co-host of the Kubernetes Podcast from Google, share lessons they've gathered from leaders like Kelsey Hightower, Liz Rice, Brad Geesaman, Joe Beda, and more. From Kubernetes history and fun facts, to advice for being a user and contributor; this talk will give you a foundation of knowledge to build your own path in the Cloud Native Ecosystem. You will walk away with: * Stories to help you understand where Kubernetes came from and what it is now * A fundamental understanding of the contributor community and where to get started * Familiarity with the value of working with the Cloud Native Ecosystem


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