
Sponsored Keynote: Smoothing the onramp to Kubernetes with Knative

Authors:   Brenda Chan


Knative simplifies the process of deploying applications on Kubernetes by providing autoscaling deployment, ingress, and automatic DNS. It allows developers to focus on what matters to them and move towards an event-driven architecture.
  • Kubernetes can be complex and challenging for developers to use
  • Knative simplifies the process of deploying applications on Kubernetes
  • Knative serving provides autoscaling deployment, ingress, and automatic DNS
  • Knative eventing allows developers to move towards an event-driven architecture and decouple event delivery from application code
  • Developers can focus on what matters to them with Knative
The speaker describes the frustration of constantly updating sprawling YAML files when deploying applications on Kubernetes. With Knative, developers can avoid this and focus on what matters to them.


Every year millions of software developers build their first application on Kubernetes. For developers used to VMs and monolithic architectures, taking advantage of all that Kubernetes has to offer can feel daunting. In this keynote, we’ll highlight how Knative is helping developers quickly realize value from Kubernetes today, and how it will help in the future to form a new layer of abstraction that will accelerate every developer’s Kubernetes journey.



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