
SIG-Scheduling Deep Dive


Authors:   Wei Huang, Alex Wang, Kante Yin, Kensei Nakada


The presentation discusses the Kubernetes scheduler and its policies for scheduling tasks on nodes. It emphasizes the importance of following priority rules and using labels and tolerations to control policies.
  • The Kubernetes scheduler is responsible for assigning tasks to nodes based on priority rules.
  • Priority rules should be followed to ensure efficient scheduling.
  • Labels and tolerations can be used to control policies and restrictions on nodes.
  • The presentation also discusses the development of the scheduler and the importance of collaboration between different groups.
The presenter gives an example of using tolerations to restrict the use of memory on a node. If a node has already used a certain amount of memory, a toleration can be added to prevent further use of memory on that node. This ensures that resources are used efficiently and prevents overloading of nodes.


SIG Scheduling is responsible for kube-scheduler and its related subprojects such as the scheduling-plugins and descheduler. These projects share the common goal of enabling users and developers to ensure that pods are assigned to the appropriate nodes based on various scheduling criteria. We also endeavor to ease customizing and extending scheduler for advanced usage. This talk will introduce attendees to SIG-Scheduling with an overview of the current goals and ongoing work within the SIG, as well as opportunities for new contributors to get involved.


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