
Fight Club | Grow your OWASP Chapter


Authors:   Sam Stepanyan, Tom Brennan


The presentation discusses the importance of OWASP chapters in advancing tactical knowledge and understanding software security. It emphasizes the value of membership and consistent meetings in recruiting attendees and building a community.
  • OWASP chapters are important in advancing tactical knowledge and understanding software security
  • Multiple people in the chapter should share a common bond and understanding
  • Understanding historical changes and policies can help utilize operational processes
  • OWASP has around 300 projects on its list, constantly growing every day
  • Existing projects can be used as content for meetings and collaboration
  • Recruiting attendees is not difficult if the focus is on software security
  • Membership is important in shaping the direction of the organization and building a global community
  • Consistent meetings and virtual components are useful in building a community
The speaker suggests that attending an OWASP chapter meeting is a great experience, as it allows individuals to make valuable connections with like-minded people from around the world. The meetings provide opportunities for technical mentoring, job situations, and socializing. Consistent meetings and virtual components are useful in building a community, and existing OWASP projects can be used as content for meetings and collaboration.


So you want to organize like-minded people to focus on open-source software. You’re looking for tips tricks suggestions. Join this session to learn from two decades of experience. During the session, we will discuss various chapters around the world and what has made them successful or fail.
