
Master Class ICT: A Cyber Case Law Review 2021

Conference:  RSA Conference 2021



An interactive snapshot of key issues and holdings of recent court cases, this session will provide attendees with critical information about the impact of court decisions across ICT addressing tech innovation, business practices and domain policies, including privacy, cybercrime, and intellectual property. Attendees will gain information to inform business and legal strategies based on latest law. Learning Objectives 1. Be able to discuss and apply, in a corporate or government context, the current state of the law regarding what constitutes “unauthorized” or “exceeding authorized” access to information on a computer under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). 2. Be able to discuss and apply the current state of the law regarding to cyber insurance policies, specifically as impacted by “war exclusions” and what constitutes “war” in the cyber context. The case of Mondelez International, Inc. v. Zurich American Insurance Co., is ongoing and will continue to inform this discussion, as will others. 3. Be able to discuss and apply the current state of the law regarding suspicionless searches at the border, geofence warrants , the extent of the government’s authority to order owners of electronic devices to unlock or decrypt devices especially when the owner asserts a 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination, and others.

