
Kubernetes SIG Storage Deep Dive


Authors:   Xing Yang, Mauricio Poppe


Overview of features planned for release in Kubernetes 1.25 and how to get involved in contributing to the project
  • Features targeting GA in 1.25 include CSI Ethmoid volume and local Ethmoid storage capacity isolation
  • Features targeting beta in 1.25 include season warning health, recovering from resize failures, and non-graceful node shutdown
  • Features targeting alpha in 1.25 include Cozy, secure Linux relabeling with mount options, and volume snapshot namespace transfer
  • Design and prototyping of features such as change block tracking and runtime assisted mounting of persistent volumes
  • Ways to get involved in contributing to the project include attending bi-weekly meetings, joining the mailing list, and participating in Slack channels


Kubernetes SIG Storage is responsible for ensuring that different types of file and block storage are available wherever a container is scheduled, storage capacity management (container ephemeral storage usage, volume resizing, etc.), influencing scheduling of containers based on storage (data gravity, availability, etc.), and generic operations on storage (snapshotting, etc.). In this session, we will deep dive into some projects that SIG Storage is currently working on, provide an update on the current status, and discuss what might be coming in the future.


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