
Fluent Bit: Logs, OpenMetrics, and OpenTelemetry all-in-one


Authors:   Anurag Gupta, Eduardo Silva


The presentation discusses the importance of community feedback in the development of Fluent Bit and the investment in ensuring memory safety and testing. It also highlights the integration of logs, metrics, and traces in the Fluent Bit ecosystem.
  • Community feedback is crucial in the development of Fluent Bit, and most of the features are a result of feedback from users.
  • Investment in ensuring memory safety and testing is a priority, with a focus on CI/CD regression checks and sanitization.
  • Fluent Bit has been extended to include metrics and traces, with a focus on making it easier for users to integrate with other ecosystems.
  • Logs are unstructured data that can be processed and filtered to reduce data or send it to multiple locations.
  • Metrics are important for monitoring and analyzing data, and Fluent Bit has its own way of monitoring and ingesting metrics.
  • Fluent Bit metrics can be exposed over Prometheus or ingested as part of the pipeline.
  • Traces are also important for debugging and troubleshooting, and Fluent Bit has been extended to include traces.
Fluent Bit was initially developed for embedded Linux devices, and its first plugins were for capturing CPU, memory, thermal, and kernel metrics. Over time, it has grown to include logs, metrics, and traces, with a focus on making it easier for users to integrate with other ecosystems.


Observability continues to be an interesting challenge, data collection for logs, metrics, and traces is an expensive operation and different approaches exist. Fluentd and Fluent Bit have been the long-term defacto standard for logging, but recently the projects expanded their scope to support and assist with Metrics and Traces. Fluent Bit now supports data collection, aggregation, and delivery for the world of OpenMetrics (Prometheus) and OpenTelemetry. In this presentation, you will learn how to collect and aggregate Logs, Metrics, and Traces all together without losing control of your data by connecting different protocols at scale. Fluentd and Fluent Bit embraces OpenMetrics and OpenTelemetry vision, come to learn how to optimize your observability pipelines, and implement the best practices for your production environments.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!


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