
Sponsored Session: Red Hat

Authors:   Miguel Pérez Colino, John Matthews, Fabien Dupont


Sharing of Personal Information with Sponsors In order to facilitate networking and business relationships at the event, you may choose to visit a third partyʼs virtual booth or to access sponsored content. You are never required to visit third party booths or to access sponsored content. When visiting a booth (e.g. by clicking on a third partyʼs logo in the Solutions Showcase or exhibitor directory, and any actions within the booth thereafter including viewing resources), when accessing sponsored sessions in the Sponsor Theater, or by participating in sponsored activities, the third party will receive some of your registration data. This data includes your first name, last name, title, company, address, email, standard demographics questions (i.e. job function, industry), and details about the sponsored content or resources you interacted with. If you choose to interact with a virtual booth or access sponsored content, you are explicitly consenting to receipt and use of such data by the third-party recipients, which will be subject to their own privacy policies.This is an on-demand session and will be available for the duration of the event.See a demo for 2 of the 5 open-source tools that are part of the konveyor.io community. You'll see how you can mass migrate virtual machines to KubeVirt, how you can move containers across clusters – specifically OpenShift 3.11 to the latest version, a look into the other use cases the Konveyor community has developed tools for, and the new capabilities that will be developed.

