
SIG-Multicluster Intro and Deep Dive - Jeremy Olmsted


Authors:   Stephen Kitt, Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie


The presentation discusses the current projects and focus areas of the Sig Multi-Cluster group, which aims to provide solutions for multi-cluster deployments. The group prioritizes specific, tangible problems and aims to keep multi-cluster consistent with single cluster wherever possible.
  • The Sig Multi-Cluster group focuses on specific, tangible problems in multi-cluster deployments
  • The group prioritizes keeping multi-cluster consistent with single cluster
  • Current projects include multi-cluster networking, controllers and leader election, work API, and staple set slices
  • The group aims to find the most essential problems to solve in the areas of multi-cluster registries and control planes
  • The concept of a cluster set and namespace sameness are core concepts in the group's solutions
The group emphasizes the importance of starting with specific problems and working backwards into something bigger. For example, they started with the problem of connecting services together between clusters and used that as a building block to figure out what's next. They also avoid premature standardization and leave as much room for implementation as possible.


SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters, across multiple cloud providers (so-called hybrid cloud), and applications deployed across many clusters. In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of the current status of the multi-cluster problem space in Kubernetes and of the SIG. We’ll discuss current thinking around best practices for multi-cluster deployments and what it means to be part of a ClusterSet. Then we’ll highlight current SIG projects, focused use cases, and ideas for what’s next. Most importantly, we’ll provide information on how you can get involved either as a contributor or as a user who wants to provide feedback about the SIG's current efforts and future direction. Bring your questions, problems, and ideas - help us expand the multi-cluster Kubernetes landscape.


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Authors: Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie

Authors: Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie

Authors: Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie