This session covers the tunable replica circuit (TRC), a fault-injection detection circuit that has been integrated into Intel® Converged Security and Management Engine (Intel® CSME) in the recent 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor. This is Intel's first foray into active fault-injection attack detection in high-volume products such as CPUs and chipsets.Ultimately, since a timing failure is the primary goal of fault-injection attacks and has been shown as the vehicle to cause unsigned code to run on other security engines, using the TRC to explicitly detect timing failures is Intel's current approach to fault-injection detection in client security engines. Unlike traditional analog voltage and clock monitors, the TRC detects timing failures that result from voltage, clock, temperature, and other glitch attacks, such as electromagnetic radiation. This session will introduce the TRC technology, how the TRC was integrated into Intel CSME, the process for calibrating the TRC in high volume manufacturing (HVM), as well as the false-positive and fault-injection testing that occurred in our physical attack labs.