
🚨 ContribFest: Contour - A Route to Becoming a Contributor and Improving Ingress (Limited Availability; First-Come, First


Authors:   Tero Saarni, Steve Kriss


Download the code ahead of time. DCO required.Contour, a CNCF incubating project, is a high performance ingress and load balancer solution for Kubernetes. We are actively seeking more feedback in the areas of adding more advanced API Gateway features and onboarding new users and contributors so they are able to join the conversation and contribute to the project.For those new to the project we will provide a tour of the repository and help set up development environments to begin contributing on some existing issues of outstanding technical debt.For those that have some familiarity with Contour and API Gateways, we will spend time getting deeper in technical detail about how new features will be implemented and how they will fit together with Contour and its current capabilities.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
