
Developer Centric Threat Modeling


Authors:   Altaz Valani


The importance of threat modeling in cybersecurity and the need for developers to prioritize security in their projects
  • Developers often prioritize functional aspects over security in their projects, but security should be given equal importance
  • Threat modeling is a continuous learning experience that requires effort and investment
  • Developers should use the search modeling approach to understand potential risks and prevent attacks
  • Experience is fundamental in threat modeling and developers should apply it to real-life scenarios
  • Investing in security allows for the reduction of potential losses as a result of a compromise of the solution
Simone emphasizes the need for developers to prioritize security in their projects and invest in threat modeling. He notes that while security is expensive, it is necessary to reduce potential losses as a result of a compromise of the solution. Simone suggests that developers use the search modeling approach to understand potential risks and prevent attacks. He also emphasizes the importance of experience in threat modeling and encourages developers to apply it to real-life scenarios.


Threat modeling is a critical part of securing our systems. Normally, we reserve threat modeling for architects and system designers in the early stages of a Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). However, developers have a crucial role to play as well since they have a much deeper understanding of how the system is constructed. In fact, developers can help architects and system designers better understand nuances which may impact recommended countermeasures. However, many developers struggle with threat modeling. Part of this is due to a lack of threat modeling knowledge and part is due to the pressure at which developers need to release. We need to get past this impasse. This practical talk is intended to help developers who already understand how to code well but want to better understand how to incorporate threat modeling into their daily coding activities in a way that adds tremendous value to other stakeholders in the SDLC.


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