
A Broken Marriage: Abusing Mixed Vendor Kerberos Stacks

Conference:  Defcon 31


Authors:   Ceri Coburn Red Team Operator & Offensive Security Dev @ Pen Test Partners


The Windows Active Directory authority and the MIT/Heimdal Kerberos stacks found on Linux/Unix based hosts often coexist in harmony within the same Kerberos realm. This talk and tool demonstration will show how this marriage is a match made in hell. Microsoft's Kerberos stack relies on non standard data to identify it's users. MIT/Heimdal Kerberos stacks do not support this non standard way of identifying users. We will look at how Active Directory configuration weaknesses can be abused to escalate privileges on *inux based hosts joined to the same Active Directory authority. This will also introduce an updated version of Rubeus to take advantage of some of these weaknesses.


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