The presentation discusses the vulnerabilities of email clients to decryption and signing Oracle attacks, and the challenges of building security on top of email.
- Email clients are vulnerable to decryption and signing Oracle attacks due to standard email features such as MIME wrapping and HTML email.
- PGP and S/MIME are equally affected by these vulnerabilities.
- Countermeasures such as accepting only ASCII text or warning the user of partially encrypted emails are not effective.
- Building security on top of email is challenging due to these vulnerabilities.
The presenter gives an example of a bypass that has existed for four decades, where an attacker can capture hundreds of emails over years and wrap them into one email to the victim, containing both visible and invisible parts. The victim's email client can be tricked into displaying only the visible part, while the attacker can use the invisible part as a decryption or signing Oracle. This illustrates the vulnerability of email clients to these attacks.