
OWASP Application Gateway: What is it and how can you use it to secure your webapp?


Authors:   Gian-Luca Frei


The OS Replication Gateway is a standalone application that acts as a reverse proxy between web clients and backend services, providing out-of-the-box functionality for session management and login with a federated authentication provider. It decouples backend services from single sign-on integration, reducing complexity and allowing changes in the backend without affecting the front end. The gateway is configuration-based, transparent, and extendable, making it a good fit for small to large-scale systems.
  • The OS Replication Gateway is a standalone application that acts as a reverse proxy between web clients and backend services
  • It provides out-of-the-box functionality for session management and login with a federated authentication provider
  • It decouples backend services from single sign-on integration, reducing complexity and allowing changes in the backend without affecting the front end
  • The gateway is configuration-based, transparent, and extendable, making it a good fit for small to large-scale systems
The OS Replication Gateway is like a bouncer at a club, standing between the web clients and backend services, ensuring only authorized users gain access. It also takes care of the guest list, managing sessions and logins with a federated authentication provider. By decoupling the backend services from single sign-on integration, it's like having a VIP section that's separate from the rest of the club, reducing complexity and allowing changes in the backend without affecting the front end. The gateway is like a chameleon, adapting to the needs of the system, and with its configuration-based, transparent, and extendable nature, it's like having a personal assistant that takes care of everything behind the scenes.


Abstract:The OWASP Application Gateway is a modern HTTP reverse proxy that sits between your web application and the client and handles OAuth2 login and session. It is built to scale from from small projects to huge enterprise apps. For you, as a developer, OAG the hassle to implement login logic in the backend and frontend so you can focus totally on your application's logic.In this talk, we'll go through the security challenges you'll face while building modern software systems and how the OWASP Application Gateway helps you building secure applications. Furthermore, we'll do a technical deep dive into how you can customize and extend the Application Gateway to your needs.
