
2021 - Our Journey Back To The Future Of Windows Vulnerabilities and the 0-days we brought back with us

Conference:  Defcon 29



In 2020, security researchers reported a record number of Windows vulnerabilities. We were curious what superpowers will we get from researching this huge number of vulnerabilities? Can we leverage our findings to discover 0-days? We decided to go back in time to 2016 to search for patterns and automatically classify all the public vulnerabilities since then. We believed that only by connecting the dots to a bigger picture, we will be able to come back 2021 with the success of achieving our goal. We adopted a new approach, in terms of both the goal and how to get there. Until now, the main goal of patch-diff was focused on the root cause of the vulnerability and building a 1-day to exploit it Usually patch-diff was done manually on a single patch. We reached higher for the holy grail. We understood that in order to find 0-days we needed to build an automated process that would gather all the insights from all the patches in a single, searchable db. It worked! We discovered the root causes of multiple classes of vulnerabilities. We used these discoveries on a fully patched Windows 10 host in order to highlight opportunities for exploitation. As a consequence, we found and reported (1) 6 information disclosure vulnerabilities to Microsoft, (2) 2 post exploitation techniques allowing covert exfiltration of private user data, and (3) an additional surprise. In this presentation, we'll describe our research process, demonstrate a live exploitation of the vulnerabilities we found, share the tools we developed, and explain how other researchers can use it to discover 0-days.

