
Carbyne Stack - Cloud Native Computing on Encrypted Data

Conference:  CloudOpen 2022


Authors:   Sven Trieflinger


Carbyne Stack is an open-source project that integrates Computing On Encrypted Data (COED) technology with cloud-native technology to enable scalable, resilient, and easy to operate COED deployments.
  • COEDs enable encryption in use to protect valuable data
  • Carbyne Stack integrates Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) technology with cloud-native technology
  • Carbyne Stack uses Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative to solve the specific challenges of deploying MPC in the cloud
  • Carbyne Stack has four services for offline and online phases, including customer, Klitschko, Nitro, and Ephemeral
  • Kubernetes provides scalability and resiliency, K-native allows users to concentrate on their code, and Istio helps with networking and security
Carbyne Stack was developed by Bosch, a company with 400,000 employees worldwide and 440 subsidiaries. The project aims to protect data, which has become a strategic asset for businesses, by using privacy-preserving Computing Technologies. The project's architecture includes four services for offline and online phases, and it uses Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative to solve the challenges of deploying MPC in the cloud. The project's goal is to enable scalable, resilient, and easy to operate COED deployments.


Data has become a strategic asset that is pooled with others for joint processing, monetized on data platforms, and used to fuel the AI revolution. As the ability to leverage internal and external data is becoming a major factor for business success, protecting valuable data is more important than ever. Enter Computing On Encrypted Data technologies (COEDs). COEDs pave the way for strong end-to-end protection of data by enabling encryption in use. One roadblock for the wider adoption of COEDs so far has been the lack of integration with state-of-the-art cloud technology to enable scalable, resilient, and easy to operate COED deployments. The Carbyne Stack open-source project has set out to close this gap by lifting a specific COED technology called Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) into the cloud. Sven will take the audience down the rabbit hole of COED technologies and explain how Carbyne Stack blends cloud-native technology (including Kubernetes, Istio, Knative, and others) to solve the specific challenges of deploying MPC in the cloud like cross-cluster orchestration of MPC services and serverless provisioning of MPC workloads.


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