
Ghidra - Journey from Classified NSA Tool to Open Source

Conference:  BlackHat USA 2019



Ghidorah is a project-based cybersecurity framework that combines scaling, teaming, and extendibility into one environment. It includes features such as project creation, listing view, function graph, D compiler, and script manager.
  • Ghidorah is a project-based cybersecurity framework that combines scaling, teaming, and extendibility into one environment
  • It includes features such as project creation, listing view, function graph, D compiler, and script manager
  • The listing view is where annotation and mark up of the binary takes place
  • The function graph breaks up the binary by control flow and is organized by dominance
  • The D compiler works on any architecture that is supported by the slay processor definition
  • The script manager includes examples of how to customize the framework
Ghidorah was created to solve the issues of scaling and teaming in cybersecurity. It brings together three key features into one framework, which are scaling, teaming, and extendibility. The project-based approach allows for multiple binaries to be brought into one project, and the listing view is where annotation and mark up of the binary takes place. The function graph breaks up the binary by control flow and is organized by dominance. The D compiler works on any architecture that is supported by the slay processor definition, and the script manager includes examples of how to customize the framework.


This year was a momentous one for the National Security Agency (NSA) as we released our game-changing software reverse engineering (SRE) framework to the open source community: Ghidra. This was a long and arduous process and we want to give Black Hat attendees a chance to hear from two of our experts on how we developed Ghidra, what the tool does, and the process to release it to the public. We will also share some of the insight into what it is like for NSA researchers to interact with the dynamic nature of an open source tool… and the social media attention that it attracts.

