
The Life and Times of a Kubernetes Feature


Authors:   Francesco Romani, Swati Sehgal


The presentation discusses the contribution process for adding a feature to Kubernetes and provides insights on how to navigate through the Kubernetes processes.
  • There are three stages in the contribution ladder: members, reviewers, and approvers.
  • To merge a PR, it must pass all automated tests and be approved by at least one Kubernetes approver.
  • For contributing a feature, it is important to make oneself familiar with the contribution process and to ensure that one understands the whole process.
  • The process starts from an unstable Alpha, goes through to the feature complete beta state, and finally to the stable GA state.
  • There are three different repos where changes need to be made: the enhancement repo, the Kubernetes repo, and the Kubernetes website repo.
The presentation emphasizes the importance of communication and persistence in contributing to Kubernetes. It suggests joining the community, interacting with members, and being an active participant to make things faster and smoother. The speaker also encourages taking initiative and contributing in any way possible, as every contribution is helpful. The presentation ends with an invitation to reach out to the community for any questions or concerns.


Have you been looking for an opportunity to contribute a feature to Kubernetes and feeling intimidated? Not sure where to start and wondering about things like: How do I share my ideas and get feedback? Who should I talk to, and where? What do reviews look like? Actually, what does the process look like? How do I even start? Worry not, and first of all, welcome to the community, we are delighted to have you! It is natural to feel daunted, but there are resources! This talk will help you navigate through the processes and empower you to find answers, paving your way to success. We will see examples of features made into kubernetes ranging from all degrees of maturity, from new and exciting alpha features to maturing beta features up to trusted and dependable GA. We will demystify the contribution process and provide insights on how to navigate through the Kubernetes processes, with real examples from existing features.


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