
Human Security Engineering: Stopping User Initiated Loss

Conference:  RSA Conference 2021



A common solution to user error is awareness, but we need to fix the system that facilitated the creation of the error, the action, and the results, which means not just stopping errors but also accidents and malice. We will share a model of Human Security Engineering identifying the optimal suite of countermeasures, and work through user targeting attacks to experience implementing the model. This session will follow Chatham House Rule to allow for free exchange of information and learning. We look forward to participants actively engaging in the discussion, and remind attendees that no comment attribution or recording of any sort should take place. Pre-Requisites: While materials will be presented in a way that everyone can understand, attendees who have experience working and managing security programs will get the most out of this session. This is a capacity-controlled session. If added to your schedule and your availability changes, please remove this session from your schedule to allow others to participate.



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