
How to Make Your K8s Cluster Survive When It Has No Internet Access: Airgap Reflection in a Cloud Native World


Authors:   Christophe Jauffret


Internet is everywhere, everything is connected to the Internet ... this is clearly the default assumption of almost any cloud native products and we can see it in a large majority of their documentation. In the real world of business, it is often extremely different. The Internet is a resource that has to be earned and accessing it can sometimes become complicated. Firewall, Proxy, DMZ, ACL , limited bandwidth... are all constraints that will get in your way and prevent you from reaching your goal. During this session, we will go through the most typical infrastructure that can be found in companies, and we will see what it is possible to put in place in terms of tooling to simplify life to the maximum. Container Runtime, Registry, Policy Management can be configured and adapted to work best in these particular situations. Many precise examples will be given so that you can reproduce them on your own infrastructure.


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