
Keynote: Cloud Native 101: Motor City Edition


Authors:   Jeff Sica, Bob Killen


The presentation provides an introduction to Cloud Native technology and its ecosystem, with a focus on Kubernetes as a foundation. The speakers use analogies to Detroit-style pizza, coney dogs, and automobiles to explain the concepts and emphasize the importance of community in the Cloud Native space.
  • Cloud Native technology is complex and varies widely, but Kubernetes is a common foundation
  • Community, documentation, and governance are important aspects of Cloud Native technology
  • Analogies to Detroit-style pizza and Detroit's passion for its community can help explain Cloud Native concepts
  • Getting involved in local meetups and events is a great way to learn and contribute to the Cloud Native community
The speakers, who are both from Southeastern Michigan, use their love of Detroit-style pizza and the city's passion for its community to explain the importance of community in the Cloud Native space. They also share their own Cloud Native journey, which started with their early adoption of containerization and container orchestration while working at the University of Michigan.


The Cloud Native ecosystem is a complex topic. While most things start with Kubernetes as a foundation, a stack can vary wildly, even when sticking only to CNCF-accepted projects. In addition to the technical aspects, there’s also community, docs, and governance to be aware of when looking to contribute (and often even consume) these technologies.  Never fear, for Bob Killen (Google) and Jeffrey Sica (CNCF) are here to provide attendees a map of the land(scape). Both have been active consumers of, and contributors to, CNCF projects for years. In this talk, Bob and Jeff will guide attendees through what a Cloud Native stack looks like, the common problems that different projects look to solve, and how Community plays a big part in this technology.Coincidentally, both have also been residents of Southeastern Michigan for most of their lives! Therefore the talk will be chalked full of analogies to Detroit Style Pizza, Coney Dogs, and Automobiles to celebrate their home state and the wonderful city of Detroit.


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