
Building Multi-Tenant Routing And Scaling With Envoy


Authors:   Yiming Peng


The presentation discusses the functionalities and components of the Amway ecosystem and how to make it production-ready.
  • The Amway ecosystem has various components such as circuit breaker, cluster and endpoint discovery, and even streamer.
  • Capacity management, performance, scalability, security, and operational readiness are important factors to consider in making the Amway system production-ready.
  • The Apprentice public roadmap is available on GitHub for customers to provide feedback and suggestions.
  • The presentation emphasizes the importance of observability, reliability, and availability in building a solid request relative with high throughput and performance.
The presentation mentions the importance of capacity management in ensuring that the CPU and memory consumption of the Amway system is under control. This is crucial in improving the system's performance and scalability. Without proper capacity management, unexpected issues may arise, causing the system to crash or underperform.


AWS App Runner is using Envoy underhood for its multi-tenant request-routing, load balancing and auto scaling. In this session, the AWS App Runner service team will share Envoy user experience. Journey of building an Envoy-based scalable request-router from developer point of view. Reason to choose Envoy and benefits it brings to the product. Lessons learnt and best practices for maintaining and operating Envoy-based systems in day-to-day work life.


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