
Power Corrupts; Corrupt It Back! Hacking Power Management in Data Centers

Conference:  Defcon 31


Authors:   Sam Quinn Sr. Security Researcher. Trellix Advanced Research Center, Jesse Chick Security Researcher. Trellix Advanced Research Center


Our current administration lists "Defend Critical Infrastructure" as the #1 item in the 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy. At the intersection of governmental and corporate concerns is data center security, a trend that is bound to continue as more and more operations move to the cloud. This talk details our findings in the domain of power management, the first category in a broader effort to investigate the security of critical data center components. We will reveal nine vulnerabilities in two integral data center appliances: a Power Distribution Unit (PDU) and a Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) system. Continuing, we will delve into the technical details of the most impactful vulnerabilities and highlight the potential impact on their respective operations. The talk will challenge the misconception that data centers are inherently more secure than on-prem by exposing how attackers could leverage these vulnerabilities. This presentation will be valuable to data center professionals, security researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the characteristic vulnerabilities associated with modern data centers.
