
Sponsored Session: Datadog - Policy-as

Authors:   Ara Pulido


The presentation discusses the use of Gatekeeper, an open source project that integrates Open Policy Agent (OPA) in Kubernetes environments, to define and enforce fine-grained policies in cloud native environments.
  • Gatekeeper allows for policy to be defined as Kubernetes objects, making it easier to adopt policy-as-code practices in Kubernetes environments and sharing reusable policy templates
  • Policy rules that cannot be described with role based access control (RBAC) in Kubernetes, such as controlling third-party image registries and ensuring required labels are present, can be addressed with Gatekeeper and OPA
  • Gatekeeper comes with observability baked in, including out of the box metrics and integration with Datadog for monitoring and analytics
  • An anecdote is not provided in the text


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