
Kubernetes IoT Edge WG: Intro to K8s at Edge + Device Connection Options

Authors:   Dejan Bosanac, Steven Wong


The presentation discusses the use of Kubernetes for applications running on the edge or supporting data and events collected from the edge. It also covers the integration of devices with the cloud using the Things Network and the creation of appropriate data in the device registry.
  • Kubernetes can be used for applications running on the edge or supporting data and events collected from the edge
  • Integration of devices with the cloud can be done using the Things Network
  • Appropriate data in the device registry needs to be created for the integration to work
  • The presentation includes a demo of the integration process
The demo shows how a device can be integrated with the cloud using the Things Network and how data can be properly structured as a cloud event with its own source and type for easy consumption by applications.


The K8s IoT Edge working group focuses on using Kubernetes as a tool to support applications running on, communicating with, or using information gathered from edge devices. LoRa has been getting attention as a connection technology featuring long-range communication at low cost (power and financial). This session will open with an introduction to LoRa along with the associated LoRaWAN protocol. What can it do? How does it compare to alternatives (WIFI, BLE and LTE, others). We’ll also talk about the open source “Drogue cloud” project which can support LoraWAN, and other connections, between devices and Kubernetes hosted apps and services. The presentation will include a demo. There are opportunities to contribute to the evolution of Kubernetes to better serve edge use cases. We will close with details on how you can get involved with the community effort to help this happen.

