
Building a Successful Business in Cloud Native


Authors:   Liz Rice, Kelsey Hightower, Guillermo Rauch, Sheng Liang, Tom Manville


The importance of simplicity, community involvement, and understanding the customer's problem in marketing technical products
  • Engineers often focus on the solution rather than the problem, which can lead to ineffective marketing
  • Simplicity is key in marketing technical products
  • Community involvement can be a powerful marketing tool
  • Understanding the customer's problem is crucial in effective marketing
  • Reminding customers of the problem they are trying to solve is important
A member of the community did a better job summarizing a product launch than the company's own team, highlighting the importance of community involvement in marketing


The cloud native community brings together an ecosystem of open source projects, end user companies, and vendors. Like a natural ecosystem, there’s a delicate balance between the species, and some will thrive while others struggle.In this panel we’ll discuss how start-ups and smaller vendors can best take advantage of opportunities to succeed within the cloud native ecosystem. How can contributing to open source projects help a business? How can vendors make their products appeal to a community centred around open source? How does this business environment differ from traditional markets, and how can you use these differences to best effect?Our panel includes practitioners and entrepreneurs who will share the lessons they have learned from their own companies and from their broad perspective across the cloud native ecosystem. We’ll help you understand what works and what doesn’t when you’re building a cloud native business.


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