
I Know What You Did Last Summer: 3 Years of Wireless Monitoring at DEF CON

Conference:  Defcon 27



The presentation discusses the speaker's experience monitoring wireless networks at DEF CON for three years, and the risks and vulnerabilities associated with using wireless networks. The speaker provides countermeasures and protection strategies to avoid data capture.
  • The speaker has been monitoring wireless networks at DEF CON for three years
  • The presentation discusses the successes and failures of the speaker's monitoring projects, including the creation of the WiFiCactus and the data captured
  • The presentation aims to bring clarity to the wireless environment at DEF CON and demonstrate the risks of using wireless networks
  • The speaker provides countermeasures and protection strategies to avoid data capture
  • Wireless attacks, such as deauthentication attacks and key reinstallation attacks, are common at DEF CON
  • Data leaks, such as latitude and longitude information, can be captured through unencrypted DNS and APIs
The speaker's initial attempt to monitor all the Wi-Fi networks at DEF CON using a single board computer and wireless antennas in their backpack was unsuccessful, but led to the creation of the WiFiCactus. The WiFiCactus solved the problem of missing data by using more radios per box. The speaker also observed various wireless attacks and data leaks, such as deauthentication attacks and latitude and longitude information being leaked through APIs.


For the past 3 years d4rkm4tter has been obsessed with monitoring the wireless networks at DEF CON. This talk will take you on a journey through the successes and failures that lead to the creation of the WiFiCactus and the over 1 TB of data captured. A history of each capture project including a summary of the most interesting pieces of data will be shown. Many people spread a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt about the wireless environments during DEF CON. This presentation aims to bring some clarity to what is really happening in the airwaves during one of the largest hacker conferences in the world. This will include presenting data on the attacks and sensitive information that exists in the airwaves. This presentation will demonstrate the risks of using wireless networks and information leaks that can be captured by anyone who is passively listening. Countermeasures and protection strategies will be provided to help you avoid having your data captured by those who might be listening. With the number of connected devices around us, there has never been a better time to start wardriving or warwalking. Everyone is capable of profiling wireless data around them thanks to cheap hardware and open source tools. As hackers it is important for us to discover issues and vulnerabilities while validating claims of security by software and hardware vendors. Monitoring wireless communication is a great way to start validating those claims. All of the hardware and methods used will be provided so that anyone can do this type of monitoring on their own. Hack the Planet!



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