
Tutorial: How to Build a K8s Admission Controller from Scratch!

Authors:   Angela Gizzi, Stephen Giguere, Matt Johnson


As policy as code becomes a ubiquitous part of our supply chain security strategy, admission controllers are a familiar element, designed to prevent unwanted, unsafe or insecure workloads from becoming persistent in our runtime Kubernetes environment. Many out of the box admission controllers are available with Kubernetes and additionally, other 3rd party examples are available and associated with a variety of policy as code flavours. But what is really happening under the covers? How difficult is it to create our very own admission controller? In this workshop you'll learn: The fundamentals of admission control. How to install a simple local Kubernetes cluster How to build your own admission controller in PythonPre-requisites: Basic knowledge of Kubernetes and Kubectl, Fundamental knowledge of the Python programming language, Docker build capability. Bring along your own laptop to follow the workshop live. The teacher will be using a laptop with MacOS. A Linux environment also works. Windows is discouraged but possible. This should be a fun and interactive workshop where by the end you'll have new knowledge of how admission control works and be on your way to understanding how other admission controllers work such that you can become a valued contributor, or continue to expand on the workshop to enhance your very own.



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