
Introduction to Cloud Native Buildpacks

Authors:   Stephen Levine, Jesse Brown


Cloud Native Build Packs provide a simple and efficient way for developers to build container images without needing to become experts in Docker. They focus on providing value for end users and are composable, allowing for easy swapping of base images and dependencies.
  • Cloud Native Build Packs are a tool for developers to build container images without needing to become experts in Docker
  • They focus on providing value for end users and are composable, allowing for easy swapping of base images and dependencies
  • Build Packs are built to be composable and can chain dependencies to each other
  • They are compatible with a particular stack and have a build context via the build image
  • Smart caching and quick layer rebuilding make the process efficient
The speaker mentioned that many developers may not want to become experts in Docker and just want to write their application. Cloud Native Build Packs provide a solution for this by allowing developers to focus on providing value for end users and leaving the details of building container images to the tools. They are also composable, making it easy to chain dependencies and swap out base images and dependencies. This makes the process of building container images efficient and simple for developers.


Cloud Native Buildpacks transform your application source code into images that can run on any cloud. In this session you'll learn the basics of using buildpacks, and why they make a great choice over the alternatives.



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