
Tutorial: Build Your Own Heroku With Cloud Native Stack


Authors:   Muvaffak Onus, Sidarta Aguiar de Oliveira


The presentation discusses the creation of an internal developer platform to provide autonomy to developers and make their day-to-day tasks easier.
  • The platform is a self-service portal that provides tools, templates, utilities, and automation to bring infrastructure architecture infosex standards to the teams.
  • Developers can choose from a variety of templates, including serverless coding, front-end applications, and Docker.
  • The platform integrates with various tools, including New Relic, Sonar Cube, and Argo CD.
  • The infrastructure is provisioned using cross-plane and AWS.
  • The platform provides developers with autonomy, reduces delivery time, and ensures security and monitoring standards.
  • The platform has resulted in 100 AWS accounts managed by the platform, 109 applications, 13 templates, and 195 resources.
  • The platform has been successful in providing developers with the autonomy they need and making their day-to-day tasks easier.
The presenter demonstrated the platform's workflow by creating a fast file application. The developer could choose the components they needed and then create the infrastructure, such as a database, with minimal information required. The platform then scaffolds the repository and provisions the infrastructure, which takes around 10 minutes. The developer can then see all the information from their application and repository in the backstage catalog and can view the state, New Relic information, Sonar Cube, and even the CI steps.


Heroku has led the transformational PaaS experience we're all used to today and we still see companies building a variant of that experience in their specific niche. However, while the opinionated nature of Heroku made it a really sound choice for general use cases, everyone knows that they will outgrow it at one point. What if you could build your own Heroku and tailor it to your needs as you grow? With the help of the cloud native stack, we will build a Heroku experience that is fully customizable for your ever changing use cases. By combining Backstage, Crossplane and several other cloud native tools, we will build our platform that can give the Heroku experience to your users consistently while your organization’s needs grow and you accommodate the changes.
