
Making Your Apps and Infrastructure Services Failure-Resilient with Dapr


Authors:   Yaron Schneider, Henry Spang


Dapper is a set of APIs that helps developers make their applications and infrastructure services more resilient and fault-tolerant.
  • Dapper provides building blocks for developers to consume APIs for state management, pub/sub, and configuration management.
  • Dapper runs on any infrastructure and has a sidecar architecture.
  • Components are at the heart of Dapper, allowing developers to talk to different APIs or implementations behind those APIs.
  • Dapper has a simple architecture on Kubernetes with a control plane and data plane.
  • Dapper enables developers to apply global resiliency policies across their apps and cloud or on-premises infrastructure services.
The speaker demonstrated how Dapper can help prevent cascading failures by using a circuit breaker to isolate the bad portion of the code and giving developers time to investigate and fix the issue without risking a bigger outage or unintentional cost on the infrastructure.


Microservices architectures see a growing number of deployments and with it a larger number of infrastructure dependencies like databases, caches, message buses, secret stores and others. To prevent cascading failures, developers need to make sure that not only their apps are recoverable and resilient to failures, but also the underlying infrastructure that their applications interact with. In this talk, we'll explore how Dapr helps developers apply global resiliency policies across their apps and cloud or on-premises infrastructure services, irrespective of where their apps are deployed or what programming language they are using.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
