
Keynote: A Cloud Native Swiss Knife


Authors:   Ricardo Rocha


The presentation discusses the importance of having the right tools for cloud native deployments and introduces a set of tools and functionalities that can significantly improve the daily life of developers and operators.
  • The Swiss knife is a handy tool that has been around for over 100 years and has evolved to suit different types of individual users.
  • Cloud native deployments can be challenging, but having the right tools for each task can make all the difference.
  • Tools for logging and metrics, such as Kubernetes and Fluentd for logs and Prometheus for metrics, are essential for cloud native deployments.
  • Debugging tools are also important, and Kubernetes now has the ability to deploy ephemeral debug containers.
  • The ability to achieve reproducibility is one of the key things about Cloud native tools.
  • The speaker provides anecdotes and demos to illustrate the power and simplicity of these tools.
The speaker uses the example of the traditional ngdx deployment to demonstrate the power of logging tools. With a simple command, the system streams logs back to the user without the need to specify a pod or any details about the infrastructure. This simplification is incredibly powerful and highlights the benefits of having the right tools for cloud native deployments.


Dealing with cloud native deployments can be challenging at first. Knowing and having the right tool for each task can make all the difference, ideally conveniently stored in a close by pocket.In this session Ricardo will present what could be a cloud native swiss knife. A set of tools and functionalities he wishes he knew existed from the start, as well as others the community introduced later on which have significantly improved the daily life of developers and operators.


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