
How SIG Release Makes Kubernetes Releases Even More Stable and Secure


Authors:   Marko Mudrinić, Verónica López González


The presentation discusses the joint effort between SIG Release, SIG Infra, and other contributors to enforce the migration of Kubernetes images from GCR to Registery. The goal is to serve images from both GCP and AWS, but the migration required manual interaction from users and bending of policies.
  • Introduced Registery as a new front for all Kubernetes images to serve images from both GCP and AWS
  • Enforced migration from GCR to Registery due to high risk of not having enough GCP Cloud credits for the year
  • Bent policies to allow for faster migration despite the policy requiring at least 12 months for users to migrate away from stable features
  • Backwards compatibility was introduced to allow for continued access to GCR
  • Manual interaction from users was required for the migration
The presenter mentioned that they had to spend 600k more GCP Cloud credits in 2022 than they initially received from Google for that year. This prompted the need for the migration to Registery and the enforcement of the migration despite the policy requiring at least 12 months for users to migrate away from stable features.


SIG Release is one of the largest Kubernetes Special Interest Groups, responsible for delivering Kubernetes to millions of users. To accomplish that, individual contributors invest their time in developing various tools and libraries and ensuring that our release pipeline is as safe as possible. In this session, Verónica and Marko will show how Kubernetes influenced many other projects in the community by providing them with tooling that they can use to release their projects securely. They will highlight our two major efforts in 2023: moving packages from Google infra to the community-provided infra and migrating to the new image registry. Finally, they will talk about how you can join SIG Release and our efforts to make Kubernetes releases better. Come and see what it means for you as an end user, and how you can build upon our efforts as a Kubernetes subproject maintainer.


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