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Authors: Cici Huang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of Common Expression Language (CEL) in Kubernetes to simplify validation and policy enforcement for Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and other use cases.
  • CRDs and other use cases require validation and policy enforcement that cannot be supported by structural schema and OpenAPI V3 validation
  • Webhooks have been the only solution for these use cases, but they are difficult to configure and can cause controlling outages
  • Common Expression Language (CEL) is a simpler solution that has been successfully integrated with Kubernetes data system for both CRD and native types
  • CEL comes with a standard library and an extended library, and it is easy to extend and embed
  • CEL can be used for validation, policy enforcement, and authorization checks
  • The presentation offers examples of CEL code and use cases, and it mentions future plans for mutating admission policy and client-side validation 2