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Authors: Jörg Schad, Adam Janikowski

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The presentation discusses the challenges of upgrading and migrating a distributed database system like ArangoDB on Kubernetes clusters across different regions and cloud providers.
  • ArangoDB is a cloud-native, distributed database system that has evolved from traditional server-based systems to a dynamic infrastructure on Kubernetes clusters.
  • The presentation focuses on the challenges of upgrading and migrating ArangoDB on Kubernetes clusters across different regions and cloud providers.
  • The challenges include managing upgrades of Kubernetes and ArangoDB versions, testing, and migration between different regions and cloud providers.
  • The solution is to move from a two-dimensional upgrade structure to a three-dimensional structure that allows for upgrading and moving between different Kubernetes clusters.
  • The requirements for the solution include maintaining service availability, backward compatibility, and ensuring no difference in service quality during and after migration.