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Authors: Jens Freimann, Fabiano Fidencio

Join us as we expose the steps that make Confidential Containers (CoCo) easy to provision and run your first workload! CoCo is an open source community working to enable cloud native confidential computing by leveraging trusted execution environments (TEE) to protect containers and data. CoCo integrates multiple features from many open source projects that need to need to securely and efficiently work together on many distinct hardware technologies, supporting several CRI runtimes, and more that can appear to be complex to get started. We will share how the project's front-end is an operator responsible for such deployment in a Kubernetes cluster, how to declare your setup via a Custom Resource and simply let the Operator take care of everything else for you.
Authors: Amine Hilaly, Scott Rigby, Niki Manoledaki, Somtochi Onyekwere, Soulé Ba

Kubernetes controllers are responsible for making the current state of your cluster continue to become closer to your desired state. Have you ever wondered how these built-in controllers work? Or have you ever wanted to write your own controller to manage Custom Resources? In this 90 minute tutorial, we'll walk you through building your own controller using controller runtime, the set of common libraries on which core controllers are built. We'll use Kubebuilder, a framework for building APIs using custom resource definitions (CRDs). We'll also explain lesser-documented best practices and conventions for writing controllers that the community has developed through trial and error learning, through projects such as Flux and Cluster API. Attendees will gain an understanding of what Kubernetes conditions are, how to set and respond to them, and why they matter. We’ll review common pitfalls and additional helper libraries to make writing these easier, more reliable, and enjoyable!
Conference:  ContainerCon 2022
Authors: Josh Gavant

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Kubernetes is a cloud control plane that provides a standard interface for managing compute, network, and storage in any cloud or datacenter. It aims to deliver high-level capabilities on any underlying provider via the same consistent interfaces used for compute, network, and storage.
  • Kubernetes API and custom resource definition emerged as an open standard for describing cloud infrastructure, services, and apps
  • Paradigms and frameworks used to build and manage controllers for these resources
  • Conventions emerging from projects like Crossplane and Operator Framework to provide consistency and simplicity for developers and operators of custom resources
  • Common problems that Kubernetes resource providers must handle, such as publishing connection secrets and managing controller provisioning and updates
Authors: Jeff Regan, Katrina Verey

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Customize is a tool for managing Kubernetes configuration files that allows users to create and manage multiple variations of a single Kubernetes configuration file.
  • Customize is a tool for managing Kubernetes configuration files
  • It allows users to create and manage multiple variations of a single Kubernetes configuration file
  • Customize has a variety of tools to help implement the business logic of your function
  • Customize recommends keeping extensions declarative and deterministic
  • Testing is important when working with Customize
  • Customize can be combined with Helm charts using the built-in Helm generator function
  • Customize does not recommend combining with Gold Templating