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Authors: Huamin Chen, Yuval Lifshitz

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the urgent need for energy efficiency in the data center industry and proposes a solution using Kepler and Rook technologies to measure and correlate workload energy consumption with carbon emissions.
  • The integration of AI into search engines will lead to a significant increase in energy consumption in the data center industry
  • The industry's carbon footprint is comparable to that of the airline industry and is growing faster
  • Metrics and measurements are needed to accurately assess energy efficiency and carbon emissions
  • Kepler and Rook technologies can be used to measure and correlate workload energy consumption with carbon emissions
  • Linear and non-linear models can be used to create energy consumption models
  • The created models can be uploaded to GitHub and used in a Prometheus container
  • The solution can be run on both virtual and physical machines