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Authors: Wendy Nather

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the limitations and challenges of using software bill of materials (S-BOMs) in cybersecurity and DevOps.
  • Automating the matching of vulnerabilities and exploits with threat intelligence and blocking them is not feasible as customers may not trust the organization to do it.
  • Not all customers know enough about their software to determine if it is safe to block something.
  • Partial remediation and tracking the timeline of remediation can be challenging.
  • Social graphs and tracing components may not be useful if customers do not know what to do with the information.
  • Consumers in the middle of the supply chain need to decide the depth at which they can investigate something and owe answers to downstream customers and partners.
  • The limits of S-BOMs and the knowledge that can be obtained from them should be considered.
  • SAS providers may not provide S-BOMs for their products.