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Authors: Moritz Johner

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of managing secrets in a complex IT environment and introduces the Kubernetes External Secrets Operator as a solution.
  • Secrets are essential in IT environments and need to be managed securely
  • Managing secrets is a complex task that requires centralization, lifecycle management, access control, integration, and tooling
  • The Kubernetes External Secrets Operator is a solution that automates the process of fetching secrets from external providers and storing them as Kubernetes secrets
  • The operator uses custom resources such as Secret Store and External Secret to abstract the details of the provider and the secret
  • The operator is a community-driven project that has joined the CNCF as a Sandbox project
Authors: Jose Manuel Ortega

One of the best practices from a security point of view is to introduce the management of the certificates that we are going to use to support protocols such as SSL / TLS. In this talk we will explain cert-manager and his implementation in K8s as a native Kubernetes certificate management controller that allows us to manage connection certificates and secure communications through SSL/TLS protocols. Later I will explain the main functionalities and advantages that cert-manager provides, for example it allows us to validate that the certificates we are using in different environments are correct. Finally, some use cases are studied in which to use cert-manager and the integration with other services such as Let's Encrypt or HashiCorp Vault.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!