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Authors: Sebastien Deleersnyder, Bart De Win

Are you looking for an effective and measurable way to analyze and improve your organization's software security posture? Look no further! During this talk, Seba and Bart, the co-leaders of the OWASP SAMM project, will introduce you to OWASP SAMM v2.1 - the premier maturity model for software assurance. They will provide a thorough overview of how to use SAMM in your organization and highlight the new features of the recently released v2.1. In addition, they will share the results of our 2022 SAMM survey and provide an update on the revamped SAMM benchmark initiative. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and take your organization's software security to the next level!
Authors: John Forman, Danielle Cook, Robert Glenn, Simon Forster

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The Cloud Native Maturity Model is a tool to help end users and adopters navigate the CNCF landscape. It consists of five stages that provide guidance on what people need to be doing at every stage of their maturity with Kubernetes, including the processes, policies, and technologies to adopt and use at various levels.
  • The Cloud Native Maturity Model was created by the Cartografos Working Group and donated to the CNCF as a project to help end users and adopters navigate the CNCF landscape.
  • The model consists of five stages that provide guidance on what people need to be doing at every stage of their maturity with Kubernetes.
  • The five stages are building, operation, scaling, improving, and improving further.
  • The model covers the people, process, policy, and technology aspects of cloud native maturity.
  • The model is available on the GitHub page and the Cartografos Working Group meets regularly to improve it.
  • The CNCF is working to get the model on their web pages and to identify resources for each stage of the model.