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Authors: Priyanka Saggu, Kaslin Fields, Madhav Jivrajani

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the sub-projects of the Kubernetes Special Interest Group for Contributor Experience and their automation efforts in generating annual reports.
  • The Kubernetes Special Interest Group for Contributor Experience manages sub-projects such as community, community management, documentation, Dev stats, elections, events, and GitHub management.
  • The group also focuses on mentoring and Slack infrastructure.
  • The annual report generator tool creates empty annual report templates and issue templates for the sub-projects.
  • Automation efforts were made to generate lists of community enhancement proposals for the annual report templates.
  • The annual reports serve as a way to gauge the health of sub-projects and to identify areas where help is needed.
  • The reports can also be used to convince employers to allow contributions to Kubernetes.
  • The group is in need of help in the mentoring and elections sub-projects.