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Authors: Michael Maximilien, Paul Schweigert

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of quantum computing and Kubernetes to solve complex problems faster.
  • Quantum computing can solve hard problems faster when combined with classical computing
  • Kubernetes is a natural orchestrator for workload parallelization
  • IBM Cloud and OpenShift can run Kubernetes and serverless workloads
  • The presented example shows how to use quantum and Kubernetes to divide and conquer a workload
  • The example uses a small quantum circuit to demonstrate the process
Authors: Lisa Nee

Quantum computing has been a fast growing technology that brings rewards and risks.  In the wrong hands, threat actors can decrypt codes that would take weeks or months. On the other side is quantum cryptography that, while still in development, could enable both the sender and recipient notifications of any eavesdropping which may satisfy privacy concerns of the transfer of data to the US which are subject to the US Patriot Act that enable government seizure of data without legal proceedings or notice. This discussion will introduce a high level basic understanding of quantum computing, international data transfer issues and quantum cryptography as a potential privacy solution, and begin the discussion of whether if and when such technology is available, is it part of an individual's privacy right to have the technology available or create a serious threat to national security and anti-terrorism.