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Authors: Adam Wolfe Gordon

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Service catalog and the problem of managing dependencies in Kubernetes
  • Developers using Kubernetes often need to manage dependencies like databases and message queues
  • Manually provisioning and managing these dependencies is not scalable
  • Service catalog was an attempt to solve this problem by providing a single source of truth for all infrastructure and application dependencies
  • Service catalog was built on top of the open service broker API, which allows for decoupling between service providers and consumers
  • One issue with service catalog was its complexity and lack of adoption
Authors: Johan Haals, Patrik Oldsberg

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the development and evolution of Backstage, a platform for consolidating engineering tools in one place to reduce fragmentation and speed up onboarding of new engineers.
  • Backstage was developed by Spotify to address the problem of scattered engineering tools and lack of information about services.
  • It started as System C, an inventory of services, but was reworked to make it more extensible and accommodate other categories of entities like data pipelines and websites.
  • Backstage has a plug-in framework that allows for more isolated feature development and a unified interface for all tooling, making it easier for engineers to venture into other domains.
  • The use of Backstage has resulted in a significant reduction in onboarding time for new engineers at Spotify.